@article{PB-VRVis-2002-033, author = {Kanitsar, Armin and Theu{\ss}l, Thomas and Mroz, Lukas and Sr{\'a}mek, Milos and Cs{\'e}bfalvi, B. and Guthe, St. and Knapp, M. and Wegenkittl, Rainer and Felkel, Petr and Fleischmann, D. and Purgathofer, Werner and Gr{\"o}ller, Eduard}, title = {Christmas Tree Case Study Computed Tomography as a Tool for Mastering Complex Real World Objects with Applications in Computer Graphics}, year = {2002}, journaltitle = {Proceedings of Visualization}, url = {https://www.vrvis.at/publications/PB-VRVis-2002-033}, pages = {498-492}, }