@article{PB-VRVis-2003-005, author = {Cosmas, J. and Itegaki, T. and Green, D. and Jospeh, N. and van Gool, L. and Zalesny, A. and Vanrintel, D. and Leberl, Franz and Grabner, M. and Schindler, K. and Karner, Konrad and Gervautz, Michael and Hynst, St. and Waelkens, M. and Vergauwen, M. and Pollefeys, M. and Cormelis, K. and Vereenooghe, T. and Sablatnig, Robert and Kampel, M. and Axel, P.}, title = {Providing Multimedia Tools for Recording, Reconstruction, Visualization and Database Storage/Access of Archaeological Excavations}, year = {2003}, journaltitle = {Proceedings of VAST}, url = {https://www.vrvis.at/publications/PB-VRVis-2003-005}, pages = {183-192}, }