@inproceedings{PB-VRVis-2014-006, author = {Morley, J. G. and Sprinks, J. and Muller, Jan-Peter and Tao, Y. and Paar, Gerhard and Huber, Benjamin and Bauer, Arnold and Willner, K. and Traxler, Christoph and Garov, A. and Karatchevtseva, I.}, title = {Contextualising and Analysing Planetary Rover Image Products through the Web-Based PRoGIS}, year = {2014}, booktitle = {Proceedings of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 (EGU 2014)}, editor = {N.N.}, url = {https://www.vrvis.at/publications/PB-VRVis-2014-006}, }