@article{PB-VRVis-2002-040, author = {Cosmas, J. and Itegaki, T. and Green, D. and Grabczewski, E. and Weimer, F. and van Gool, L. and Zalesny, A. and Vanrintel, D. and Leberl, Franz and Grabner, M. and Schindler, K. and Karner, Konrad and Gervautz, Michael and Hynst, St. and Waelkens, M. and Pollefeys, M. and DeGeest, R. and Sablatnig, Robert and Kampel, M.}, title = {A Novel Multimedia System for Archaeology}, year = {2002}, journaltitle = {Proceedings of Forum International des Musees in Central Europe on Computergraphics (WSCG)}, url = {https://www.vrvis.at/publications/PB-VRVis-2002-040}, pages = {147-154}, }