@article{PB-VRVis-2014-014, author = {Ganuza, Mar{\'{\i}}a Luj{\'a}n and Ferracutti, Gabriela and Gargiulo, Florencia M. and Castro, Silvia Mabel and Bjerg, Ernesto A. and Gr{\"o}ller, Eduard and Matkovi{\'c}, Kresimir}, title = {The Spinel Explorer - Interactive Visual Analysis of Spinel Group Minerals}, year = {2014}, journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics / Proceedings IEEE VAST 2014}, url = {https://www.vrvis.at/publications/PB-VRVis-2014-014}, pages = {1913-1922}, volume = {20}, number = {12}, }